Magalie Leblanc is an emergency medicine resident on the TV series Transplant. Magalie is determined, has an analytical mind, and pushes herself to the brink to be her best.

Actress Laurence Leboeuf plays Maglie Leblanc.


Magalie Leblanc Quotes

That's right. You know I keep forgetting that not everyone prefers their patients unconscious.

June [to Mags]

June: I feel like [Shay] should be fully formed.
Mags: Why do I think you were born fully formed?

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Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.