Sergeant Wade Grey is the Watch Commander at the Mid-Wilshire Division of the LAPD.

He notorously gave John Nolan a hard time, initially not having full confidence in his ability to start being a cop at his age. He's since come around, becoming a close friend and source of support for Nolan.

Grey sadly took over the position after the loss of his comrade.


Wade Grey Quotes

Grey: I'm worried that I focused too much on Aaron after the attacks that I did you a disservice.
Celina: Thank you, Sir. But I"m fine.

Grey: Hey, you okay?
Harper: Better than him.

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The Rookie Quotes

Tim: The Tim Tests, those don't make me like him.
Lucy: I know. You're nothing like him. Come here, you're nothing like him.

Becks handle things on their own.
