Making Friends - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

McGarrett hems and haws his way through asking out veterinarian Dr. Okino in her packed waiting room.

Newest Team Member - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Quinn proves she can smile, relaxing with the team and a beer after a difficult case involving a North Korean spy.

Time for Surgery - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Eddie has to be stitched up by veterinarian Dr. Okino after an ill-fated visit to a dog park planned by Danny.

Tense Situation - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Yumi trains her gun on a North Korean spy while attempting to negotiate the release of the spy's hostage.

Dating Wisdom - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Instead of continuing to work on his relationship with his ex-wife, Danny fills his time teaching Steve how to meet women.

Helping a Girl - Bluff City Law

Elijah and Sydney represent a 12-year-old girl on Bluff City Law. "When the Levee Breaks" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Personally Invested - Bull

Taylor becomes personally invested in a case on Bull. "Billboard Justice" is the fifth episode of the show's fourth season.

Wedding Day - All Rise

A wedding day at the courthouse doesn't quite go as planned on All Rise. "Devotees in the Courthouse of Love" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Bloody Crime Scene - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Junior, Danny, and Tani inspect the bloody van with three dead bodies in it that was used for a kidnapping the prior night.

Unwanted Matchmaker - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

Danny is committed to forcing Steve back onto the dating scene, whether McGarrett wants his help or not.

Working With Aaron Wright -- Tall - Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 4

When Five-0 needs help determining what data a North Korean spy had stolen, they recruit super-hacker Aaron Wright.

Helen Mirren is Catherine the Great

Helen Mirren stars as Catherine the Great in HBO's miniseries of the same name.