Taking Close Aim

Ready... aim... at whom will Daryl fire in this scene from The Walking Dead Season 4?

Merle Dies

This death was shocking made for the fact that viewers saw the reveal the same time as Daryl. Merle ended up a walker, but he still managed to do one last good deed in taking down some of the Governor's men. You even secretly wished he lived.

Daryl on The Walking Dead

Daryl may be the most popular figure on The Walking Dead. Fans understandably adore the character.

Back in the Woods

Daryl Dixon is back in the woods on The Walking Dead. In other words: he's back to where he belongs.

Chad Coleman as Tyreese

Chad Coleman is on the hunt in this scene from The Walking Dead. He's come on board the drama as Tyreese.

Cozying Up to Daryl

We can think of many women out there who wish they were under Daryl's arm. This is a photo from "30 Days Without an Accident."

Masked Daryl

Why is Daryl masked in this image from The Walking Dead Season 4? Fans will find out when the show returns.

Walking Dead Foursome

The whole gang is here. Or at least some of the gang. This is a photo from The Walking Dead episode "When the Dead Come Knocking."

Daryl with a Crossbow

Who wants some?!? A crossbow is prepared to dole out some punishment in this scene from "Say the Word."

With a Crossbow

Daryl takes aim in this Walking Dead scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Sick."

Daryl Dixon Picture

Daryl Dixon is smart and independent.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Quotes

Daryl: Your country, my country, like friends.
Guillaume: You are no friend. There ain't no countries no more, neither.

My name's Daryl Dixon. I come from a place called the Commonwealth. It's in America. I went out looking for something, and all I found was trouble. If I don't make it back, I want them to know I tried.
