Vibe Session - The Flash Season 3 Episode 14

Harry's back helping the team as Cisco vibes. What's he looking for? Or should we say who?

Caitlin's frightened - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

What's happening on the other side of the cage? Harry doesn't look too surprised. But Caitlin seems scared. We've seen Grodd torture prisoners before.

Harry's Back! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 13

It's been a while since we've seen the Earth-2 version of Harrison Wells. Too bad the reunion's happening in Grodd's jail.

Caged Harry - The Flash

Why did Grodd target Harry? How long has he been in a cage? We have so many questions!

Who is It? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

They didn't spring immediately into action. Are they frozen into place at the sight of the intruder?

Shock and Awe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

This is a look that says those pesky STAR Labs enchanced security systems didn't exactly do their job. Will that place ever be safe?

Two Heads Better than One - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Two brilliant men working on a project together are certainly better than one. Cisco seems to be a lot more comfortably with Harry after a few days together.

Hard at Work - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Harry is hard at work in Earth 1's STAR Labs. During this hour we will learn more about his life on Earth 2, before coming through the breech. Here's hoping we learn a lot more about him being a father! That's such a cool surprise.

New Pals - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Despite the fact Crisco thinks Harry is a dick, to you think these two will become fast friends? Some of the best friendships are born of such initial adversity.

New Guy - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

Harry's the new guy, and it feels so good to have him working with the team. Who's with me?!

Harry's Gotta Gun - The Flash Season 2 Episode 6

The plus side of Harry Wells walking, is he gets to take his badass self out into the field and get his hands dirty. I like it and really hope he doesn't go bad this time around. Being a dick? That's OK.

The Flash Quotes

Cisco: How's it fit?
Barry: It's a little snug.
Cisco: Well, at least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you.

Can I keep the sweatshirt?
