The Walking Dead Season 5 Photo

This is our first look at the The Walking Dead Season 5. We can see you, Rick Grimes!

Rick on the Finale

What lies ahead for Rick? This is a photo from The Walking Dead Season 4 finale.

Beaten Rick

Rick has seen better days. He's battered and bruised in this Walking Deason Season 4 scene.

Rick on the Tracks

Things are about to take an especially dark turn for Rick on The Walking Dead Season 4 episode "Us."

Carl is Cool Under Pressure

When Rick can't take down the zombie, Carl does it with a shot. What are the odds Bieber would remain calm without his entourage?

Carl Walks the Road

Carl doesn't need a slick ride to get around. Bieber would have dropped miles back, since he wouldn't have his wicked wheels.

Carl Mourns Asskicker

When he and Rick discover Lil' Asskicker is missing, they mourn. That's more courageous than hiding pain and feelings like Bieber seems prone to doing.

Carl Grows Food

Carl can grow his own food to sustain life. Bieber would starve to death without his people to provide for him.

Carl Put a Bullet in His Mother's Head

Minutes after delivering his baby sister, and faced with two options: Mom as a zombie or putting a bullet in her head, Carl chose the latter. WWBD (What would Bieber do)? Faint.

Rick and Carl Scene

Rick has seen better days on The Walking Dead. This is a photo from "After."

Bloody Rick

It's safe to say Rick has seen better days. This is a photo from The Walking Dead Season 4.

Rick and Carol

This is a photo of Rick and Carol on The Walking Dead. It is from the episode "Indifference."