Regina's Wild Goose Chase - Once Upon a Time

When Henry makes a breakthrough in the search for the author, Regina does everything she can to send the villains on a wild good chase.

Banished from Storybrooke - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 13

Mr Gold has been banished from Storybrooke but we don't expect to see him curling up and licking his wounds any time soon.

Can Anyone Save Him - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

Since Hook is missing his heart, is there anyone in Storybrooke who can save him?

What Is Gold's Plan? - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

Mr. Gold's plan to to retain his power while ditching the dagger continues as he drags Hook down his dark path.

Hook and Gold - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 12

Hook's fate hangs on the whims of Mr. Gold and his plan for power on Once Upon a Time's "Heroes and Villains"

The Truth About the Dagger - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 6

If Belle learns the truth about the fake dagger, she and Mr. Gold will both be miserable.

Using the Dagger - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 6

Will Belle figure out that Rumpelstiltskin gave her a fake dagger when she tries to use it to find the Snow Queen?

A Hand In a Jar - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 4

Did Mr. Gold really transport Hook's hand from the fairy tale world and keep it suspended in a jar for just this occasion?

Dealing With the Devil - Once Upon a Time Season 4 Episode 4

Mr. Gold can give Hook what he wants but is it the equivalent of making a deal with the devil?

Rumpel and Belle

Rumpel and Belle show up for the occasion but Belle doesn't look happy. Any chance she's figured out that Rumpel switched daggers already?

Coming to Dinner

Baked brie and red wine. Why weren't we invited to dinner?

Whose Idea Was This?

So was this kiss Zelena's idea or Rumpelstiltskin's? "Bleeding Through" is the 18th episode of the show's third season.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
