Izzy seems like the type of girl to admire a good weapon. Looks like she has lots to choose from, but that middle one has captured her attention. Maybe because it's big and shiny? Clary doesn't seem to be paying attention, but she should. She needs a few tips.

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ABC Family
Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 2: "The Descent Into Hell is Easy"
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Shadowhunters Photos, Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 2 Photos
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Shadowhunters Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Isabelle: Don't tell me you are afraid?
Simon: Are you kidding? I was born afraid, which sounded a lot better in my head.

Clary: You might be some kind of emotionless G.I. Joe, but...
Jace: What's a G.I. Joe?