Warrior Season 3 Episode 5 -- Whiskey and Sticky and the Rest can Wait -- Joe Taslim

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Max (Screenshot)
Warrior Season 3 Episode 5: "Whiskey and Sticky and All the Rest Can Wait"
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Warrior Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

This deportation center marks a bold new era in our city, one in which we will no longer tolerate the damage being done to our society by the lawless encroachment of the Chinese. Murder, prostitution, and slave labor have gone unchecked for too long. Through the efforts of my office and the San Francisco Police Department, we will put these criminals and interlopers where they belong. Not on our streets. But on boats. Back to whence they came. As mayor, I will work hand in hand with the governor to ensure that the Exclusion Act passes. Together we will restore America to her former glory. And bring prosperity to the honest, hard-working citizens who built this great country of ours.

Walter Buckley

I always thought I'd find something better out there. But I was wrong. We have no power outside our own bull.

Father Jun