Bill and Jill - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks) reviewing the changes she made to Bill Ruckelshaus's (Josh Hamilton) speech.

Head of the National Commission - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks) at President Gerald Ford's press conference.

A Pro-ERA President - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

President Gerald Ford (Tom Barnett) appointing Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks) as the head of the National Women's Commission.

Nice to Meet You - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks) introducing herself to Phyllis Schlafly.

Slow Down the Car - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks) driving through a Stop ERA protest.

Equal Pay - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 6

Bella Abzug (Margo Martindale), Jill Ruckelshaus (Elizabeth Banks), and Shirley Chisholm (Uzo Aduba) meeting with Congressman Wayne Hays.

Brenda's Gallery Shot - Mrs. America

Ari Graynor, as Brenda Feigen-Fasteau, in her gallery shot.

Name the Case - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 5

Phyllis (Cate Blanchett) on the debate stage, struggling to name a case she made up as an example.

It's Okay If It's Who You Are - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 5

Brenda (Ari Graynor) having a personal discussion with Gloria (Rose Byrne) after dinner.

The Impending Debate - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 5

Phyllis (Cate Blanchett) backstage on The Tomorrow Show, getting ready to debate Brenda and Marc.

Brenda Backstage - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 5

Brenda (Ari Graynor) backstage on The Tomorrow Show, preparing for the debate against Phyllis and Fred.

Brenda and Marc - Mrs. America Season 1 Episode 5

Brenda (Ari Graynor) and Marc (Adam Brody) Feigen-Fasteau on The Tomorrow Show, debating Phyllis and Fred Schlafly.

FX (Hulu Exclusive) Quotes

How long are we supposed to wait? How many more women are going to die from botched abortions while we wait for men to feel comfortable with us having control over our own bodies? How many women are going to be forced to give birth to babies they can't afford to feed while we wait for housewives who have no idea what it's like to have to work to survive to feel comfortable with women having power? How long do we give people to adapt to change? Am I the only one who's so fucking tired of waiting?


You got into this race to get us out of the war. This is our Vietnam.
