Come Back - A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 8

Hamish sets it out quite plainly for his friend: Come back and bring the Book of Life with you.

A Quaint Scene - A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 8

Bishop House is so very picturesque, and it never looks better than on Halloween.

Lighting Pumpkins - A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 8

Diana has some time for life's little pleasures as she decorates for Halloween via witch fire.

Matthew Says Goodbye - A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 8

Matthew says goodbye to visitors Sophie, Nat, and Hamish after a hectic couple of days.

A Dreadful Bargain - A Discovery of Witches

Diana must strike a dreadful bargain with the goddess and make the ultimate sacrificial pact on episode 8 of A Discovery of Witches.

A Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Diana: Maiden, mother, crone, I call you. Goddess, help me! I will do anything to save him.
Goddess: If I help him, there will be a price.
Diana: I will give anything, anything that you want. Anything, just save him!
Goddess: Give him life.

Your magic can't save him!
