When Your Estranged Wife Brings a Date - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Ah, this is the face you make when your estranged wife brings a date to the group function with all of your friends, and you didn't bring anyone because you're still in love with your secret baby momma ...

Well?! - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

It looks like things are going to get heated at the event, and it's going to happen in front of everyone. Nothing stays secret among this group for very long.

What's in the Blue Envelope?! - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Please, Gary. We know you don't know anything about that damn blue envelope, but we also know you're the most perceptive. If anyone can figure out why Ashley is acting so shady, it's Gary.

Let's Get Serious - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Everyone is looking solemn in this photo, and we're betting it has to do with the news of Maggie's diagnosis getting out to everyone.

A Happier Occasion - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Katherine and Maggie may have briefly met at John's funeral, but they haven't spent any time together otherwise. It's nice to see these two together for a happier occasion, but will it remain happy when Maggie's personal struggles interfere with her relationships?

Vintage Chic - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Katherine is looking very retro with her hair swept the side and all of that good stuff. She is opening her heart to Hunter and trying to move on, and it's a beautiful sight.

She's Happy - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Katherine not only looks gorgeous, but she looks genuinely happy in this shot. She probably hasn't been happy in a while, and even Eddie takes notice of all of her beaming.

Old Meets New - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Katherine's old love may meet her potential new one, and it's not awkward at all. Nope, not at all. It could be, but something tells us Eddie will be quite the jokester during this scenario.

More of A Beer Guy - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Wine tasting and cocktails are great and everything, but even we can tell Gary is probably more of a beer guy. So much for all that fancy stuff.

Gare Bear - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Gary must give the best hugs, and finally, someone gives him the bear hug that we all wish we could give that lovable lug. Gina is all of us.

Giggly Girlfriends - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Regina and Katherine have a fit of the giggles while celebrating the near opening of Regina and Delilah's new restaurant.

Hunter Meet the Gang - A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8

Will Hunter be the latest addition to this friend group? Katherine doesn't mind bringing him around her friends and meeting them for the first time, so will that mean he'll be sticking around?

A Million Little Things Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

If you're in there, can you just knock three times please so that I know that you're still alive? Listen, I'm sorry. I tried; I can't not care.


Eddie: I have seen porn flicks with more plot twists than your love life.
Gary: You watch porn for the plot?
Eddie: The point is Gary, you find problems with these women, but maybe the problem is you.
Gary: Oh says the drunk adulterer living on his best friend's futon.
Eddie: You know what man, maybe you should stop taking shots at me and get Maggie back. Or is your plan just to stand there and do nothing and lose her forever?
Gary: How about this, how about instead of telling me what to do, try having my back. I'm the one who gave you another chance after you screwed Delilah. I'm the one who took you in after Katherine put you out. You're always so fast to assume that it's my fault, but guess what? You don't know!