Speed Dating - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 3

In an ancient version of speed dating, potential husbands and wives check out each other.

Assessing His Worth - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 3

Teyaronhiio examines Duquet after he is brought to the Wendat village.

Prized Candidate - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 3

Delphine catches Trepagny's eye at first but Melissande's intervention meant that she ends up with another husband.

Running for His Life - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 3

Charles Duquet sprints away from the Wendat village to outrace the braves' arrows.

Teach Your Children - Barkskins

Trepagny teaches the Law of Two to the children of Wobik.

Investigative Disagreement - Barkskins

Hamish Goames argues with Constable Bouchard about the missing Hudson's Bay agent Cross.

Mother Again - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 2

Mathilde dotes on Renardette, the young girl who Hamish and Yvon found in the woods near the massacre site.

Legal Permission - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 2

Trepagny reads a letter granting him official permission to take a Filles du Roi as his new wife.

Bringing Life - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 1

Melissande, Delphine and other Filles du Roi arrive in Wobik to become wives of local settlers.

Fond Memory - Barkskins Season 1 Episode 1

Mathilde looks at a rose on the windowsill, drawn by her late daughter Veronique.

The Mercy of the Forest - Barkskins

Duquet ends up at the mercy of the vast forest on Barkskins. "The Turtle King" is the second episode of the show's first season.

Looking To Escape - Barkskins

A group of outcasts look to escape their pasts on Barkskins. "New France" is the first episode of the show's first season.

Barkskins Season 1 Quotes

It doesn't matter what happened before. Here we can begin again.

Sel [to Duquet]

Duquet: I want to go back to France.
Sel: There's no going back. We must ready for our new lives.