Patricia Arquette on Boardwalk Empire

Patricia Arquette is featured in this Boardwalk Empire scene. It is from the episode "Acres of Diamond."
Rating: Unrated

Nucky on Boardwalk Empire

HBO has renewed Boardwalk Empire for Season 5. But this is a photo from the fourth season premiere.
Rating: Unrated

Nucky's Plays Poker

Nucky's high stakes poker game affects his Florida land deal on Boardwalk Empire. "All In" is the fourth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

All In Scene

Pictured in this scene from Boardwalk Empire Season 4: Morgan Spector, Michael Shannon and Stephen Graham.
Rating: Unrated

Nucky in Philadelphia

Nucky heads to Philadelphia to deal with the fallout on Boardwalk Empire. "Erikonig" is the fifth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Nucky in Florida

Nucky heads back down to Florida on Boardwalk Empire. "The North Star" is the sixth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Margaret on Season 4

Margaret played a key role on "The North Star." This is a photo from Boardwalk Empire Season 4.
Rating: Unrated

Head to Head With Eli

Nucky goes head to head with Eli on Boardwalk Empire. "William Wilson" is the seventh episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Stephen Root on Boardwalk Empire

This is a scene from Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Episode 7. It features Steve Buscemi and Stephen Root. photo: Macall B. Polay
Rating: Unrated

Fighting For the North Side

Chalky may have competition for running the North side on Boardwalk Empire. "The Old Ship of Zion" is the eighth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

A Turf War

Narcisse is in a turf war with Chalky on Boardwalk Empire. "Marriage and Hunting" is the ninth episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Heeding a Warning

Nucky considers heeding a warning on Boardwalk Empire. "Havre de Grace" is the 11th episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

Boardwalk Empire Quotes

Purity, sobriety, and the white Christian's Jesus.

KKK Member

Nucky: First rule of politics, kiddo: never let the truth get in the way of a good story.