Baby Jane Book - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

This is a scene showing the book that led to the movie Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Here's to Us! - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Joan and Bette toast to their working together on their first day.

Injustice at the Onset - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Joan notices an injustice from the onset and refuses to move forward.

Normally I Play the Bitch - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Joan normally played the bitch, now she gets to watch Bette do it.

They Need Each Other - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Bette and Joan need each other for this movie and for their careers.

The Lighting - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

The lighting was kind of harsh, wasn't it Bob, Joan wonders?

Join Me Bette - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Joan was glamorous and dolled up as she presented herself to Bette.

Looking for the Part - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Joan was down and out and seeking a part for her next phase.

Baby Jane - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Bette was in charge of determining her own costume for Baby Jane.

Emotion on Screen - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

The scene that brings to Bette all of the emotion once again.

Overwhelmed with Emotion - FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Episode 1

Bette is overwhelmed with emotion after watching her scene on screen.

Making a Movie - Feud: Bette and Joan

Bette and Joan do battle with one another while making a movie on Feud: Bette and Joan. "Pilot" is the first episode of the show's first season.

FEUD: Bette and Joan Season 1 Quotes

Feuds are never about hate. Feuds are about pain. They're about pain.


You know, they only made one film together and how that happened, and what happened afterwards, well. Well, that was a story and a feud of biblical proportions.
