Lead Inmates stand attentive and ready to serve. - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8

The Three Rock inmate crew stands ready to talk or serve the guests at the annual Firefighters ball hosted by Fire Station 42 in the hopes of saving Three Rock.

Manny and Eve share a drink and talk - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8

Manny and Eve have a chat at the bar about the possibility of Three Rock getting shut down. Eve feels guilty that it might be her fault since she's in charge.

Gabriela's mother is at the ball. - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8

Gabriela's mother makes a random surprise appearance at Station 42's firefighter ball, much to the surprise of everyone except Diego, who invited her.

Manny stares into the camera - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 8

An upclose shot of Manny's face as he stares off into the distance at the firefighter's ball. The look in his eyes is full of determination and purpose.

Manny and Bode stare at the protesters - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

As protesters arrive to demand the closing of Three Rock, Manny and Bode talk about the camp's future and the reporters who are there recording everything happening.

Manny and Bode walk away from the accident scene - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

As things settle down at the fire camp incident scene, Manny and Bode walk away to discuss the camp's future and their thoughts on everything that is happening.

Jake stares out at the scene after a long day of work - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

Jake Crawford stares pensively in front of him as he tries to come to terms with the day's events and his recent thoughts on the guardianship of Gene.

Manny calls for assistance at Three Rock Fire camp. - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

A distressed Manny stands behind an ambulance and calls for help at the scene of a truck crash at the Three Rock inmate prison camp where three people are hurt.

Gabriela sits in a damaged truck after a long day - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

Gabriela takes a moment to collect herself after her first day as lead paramedic for Station 42 handling a scene where there were three people injured.

The reporter and her cameraman film the scene - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

The reporter who is doing a story on the Three Rock camp takes notes in her notepad as her cameraman films the scene of the protest and Manny trying to talk to them.

Jake and Vince Leone share a tense conversation - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

Jake and Vince have a difficult conversation after the scene at the Three Rock inmate camp is handled, leaving both men tense and uncomfortable about Gene's future.

Manny dressed up for an interview about Three Rock closing - Fire Country Season 2 Episode 7

As Three Rock faces closure, Eve requests that Manny speak to the reporter so she can get an understanding of how the program works and succeeds.