Fighting For the Presidency - Homeland

Elizabeth Keane fights for her presidency on the season finale of Homeland. "Paean to the People" is the 12th episode of the show's seventh season.

Saul's Mission - Homeland

Saul's mission gets the green light on Homeland. "All In" is the 11th episode of the show's seventh season.

Needing an Ally - Homeland

President Keane realizes that she needs an ally on Homeland. "Clarity" is the tenth episode of the show's seventh season.

Problems at Home - Homeland

Carrie must figure out how to handle the problems at home on Homeland. "Useful Idiot" is the ninth episode of the show's seventh season.

Working Together - Homeland

Carrie and Saul work together to interrogate a suspect on Homeland. "Lies, Amplifiers, F**king Twitter" is the eighth epiode of the show's seventh season.

Expanding an Operation - Homeland

Saul decides to expand an operation on Homeland. "Andante" is the seventh episode of the show's seventh season.

Enjoying a Win - Homeland

Carrie gets to enjoy a win on Homeland. "Species Jump" is the sixth episode of the show's seventh season.

Visiting a Source - Homeland

Saul heads off to visit with a source on Homeland. "Active Measures" is the fifth episode of the show's seventh season.

A New Lead - Homeland

Carrie follows a new lead on Homeland. ":Like Bad at Things" is the fourth episode of the show's eighth season.

Negotiating - Homeland

Saul begins a negotiation on Homeland. "Standoff" is the third episode of the show's seventh season.

Continuing To Broadcast - Homeland

O'Keefe continues to broadcast on Showtime. "Rebel Rebel" is the second episode of the show's seventh season.

Back in D.C. - Homeland

Carrie and Franny are back in Washington D.C. on the season premiere of Homeland. "Enemy of the State" is the first episode of the show's seventh season.

Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.