The Gang at the Wedding - iCarly

Carly, Harper, Freddie, and Spencer all dancing at Nevel's wedding

Harper Styling Carly - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Harper looking at different dresses on Carly as she tries them on.

Carly with Red Carpet Dress - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Carly showing off her red carpet dress to Harper.

Spencer on Carly's Couch - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Spencer in Carly's apartment, relaxing on her couch.

Freddie in Hat - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Freddie wearing a hat, talking with Spencer about the date

Harper and Carly Watching TV - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Harper and Carly in their apartment watching television

Freddie on a Date - iCarly

Freddie out on his blind date that Spencer set up.

Harper Behind Carly - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Harper behind Carly making a funny face at her by the red carpet.

Carly and Harper on the Red Carpet - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Carly and Harper all dressed up on a red carpet.

Carly on a Date - iCarly Season 1 Episode 4

Carly out on a date with a different guy, at a restaurant.

Carly and Harper Laguhing - iCarly

Carly and Harper having a funny conversation around the table

Carly and Harper in Apartment - iCarly Season 1 Episode 3

Carly and Harper in their apartment, talking about publicity.

iCarly Quotes

By the way, you were so right! My type is totally hot and dumb. What a revelation! Do I need therapy? No, I'm good.


Carly: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Harper and Carly: Outfit Montage!
Carly: It's hurting my retinas. I feel like the lining of a really expensive casket. Too frilly. Too silly. Too racey. Too spacey. Too flirty. Too birdy!