A Murdered Student - iZombie

A highly driven student turns up murdered on iZombie. "Reflections of the Way Liv Used to Be" is the 17th episode of the show's second season.

Liv Investigates - iZombie

Liv investigates when a research scientist is murdered on iZombie. "He Blinded Me...With Science" is the 16th episode of the show's second season.

CEO of Evil - iZombie

An energy drink and a magic eight ball. Yeah, that's not really what you want to see when you go into the CEO's office if you are a shareholder.

Exes and No's - iZombie

This is why you should never get involved with your coworkers. It will always be awkward when you run into them while going over your zombie murder plans.

Zombie Chat - iZombie

Will these two be able to stay civil? His full-time body guard will make sure Liv doesn't get too angry. He won't like her when she's angry.

Max Rager Meeting - iZombie

Liv is looking very different for her meeting with the Max Rager CEO. He already knows she is a zombie, right? Might as well go in there looking like her pale, lovely self!

Mmmm Brains - iZombie

Liv hasn't met a brain she didn't want to eat, until now? Our favorite zombie chef doesn't look too excited for this meal.

Chef Ravi - iZombie

Hey Liv, might want to put some gravy on this one! That brain looks like it may be a little on the crunchy side. Nobody likes their food dried out, but Liv will make it work to solve the case!

GQ Ravi - iZombie

Not many people could look this good in a lab coat, but Ravi always looks a little too gorgeous for words.

Worried Ravi - iZombie

Something isn't quite right and Ravi knows it. Will he find out that his best friend and roomie is a zombie hunter? That's never an easy conversation.

Cracking the Case! - iZombie

Clive is always business in the morgue but looks even more intense than usual. Is that even possible?

Hope is Dead - iZombie

It's hard to be optimistic about the zombie cure when all of the rats keep dying. If anyone can figure it out it's the hottest doc in the morgue!

iZombie Quotes

Liv: Do you have any open sores in your mouth?
Major: Sexy.

  • Permalink: Sexy.
  • Added:

Oh, the humanity.
