Living the High Life - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

Rogelio seems to be enjoying his time as the star of a telenovela on Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11.
Rating: Unrated

Take Your Daughter to Work Day - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

Jane visits her newfound father, Rogelio, on the set of his him show.
Rating: Unrated

The Crew of "The Passions of Santos" - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

Something important seems to be happening on the set of Rogelio's TV series.
Rating: Unrated

Father Rogelio??? - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

Rogelio visits with his daughter, Jane, as a priest on the set of his telenovela on Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11.
Rating: Unrated

Jane's Good Fortune - Jane the Virgin

Jane is worried when her career good fortune seems to be linked with Rogelio on Chapter 12 of Jane the Virgin.
Rating: Unrated

Boy or Girl? - Jane the Virgin

Jane and Rafael learn the gender of their baby on Chapter 13 of Jane the Virgin.
Rating: Unrated

Jane and Xo - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 7

Xo sits across from Jane in this photo from Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 7. It's time for a daughter and mother talk.
Rating: Unrated

Jane, Listen To Me... - Jane the Virgin

This is a photo from Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 3. It is aptly titled "Chapter Three."
Rating: Unrated

Xiomara at home - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

What is going on at the Villanueva house in Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11?
Rating: Unrated

Confused Alba - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

Alba seems to be recovering well from that fall she took at the Marabelle.
Rating: Unrated

Jane with Rafael - Jane the Virgin

Jane sits down here with Rafael. She really does not want to be feeling anything at all for her baby daddy.
Rating: Unrated

A Love Rekindled? - Jane the Virgin Season 1 Episode 11

After Xo made a promise last week, is she going to break it?
Rating: Unrated

Jane the Virgin Quotes

Jane: Oh, I'm no good at this stuff. So, instead of telling you the reasons that I love you, I'm going to tell you the reasons that I don't. I don't love you because you're smart and kind. I don't love you because you're hardworking and competitive and way too defensive.
Michael: I'm not defensive.
Jane: I don't love you because you're incredibly sexy. I love you because you're my best friend and I want to grow old with you. And right now, I am confused about every single thing in my life, except you.

Rafael: No, I really think we've met.
Jane: I don't usually wear clam shells.
Rafael: Oh, the strip club on Piscayne?
Jane: Jerk.