Kate Austen Photo

Kate Austen (Evangeline Lilly) in "Whatever Happened, Happened."

Ian Somerhalder as Boone Carlyle

Ian Somerhalder played Boone Carlyle on the first season of ABC's Lost and was the first major death of the show.


Juliet and Kate in DHARMA jumpsuits in "He's Our You," from Season Five of Lost.

Sayid and Ben

Sayid and Ben in "He's Our You," from the fifth season of Lost.

Van on Fire

A DHARMA fan set ablaze cruises through town, causing a lot of damage and a diversion that allows young Ben and Sayid to break free.

Lost Season 5 Cast

A photo of the Lost season five cast. Just go ahead and photoshop in Jin yourself since he's back!

Emilie de Ravin as Claire

Emilie de Ravin stars as Claire Littleton on ABC's Lost. Claire is Aaron's mother and mysteriously disappeared in the fourth season.

Christian Shepard

It looks like Jack's father, Christian Shepard is back in the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."

Ben, Sun and Lapidus

Ben, Sun and Frank Lapidus go walking together on the Island in this scene from the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."

Sayid is Captured

Jin and Sawyer walk alongside a captured Sayid in this scene from the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."

Jin Out

Jin talks on the microphone as he wears a Dharma jumpsuit with his name and the title of "Security" on it in this photo from the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."

Namaste New Recruits

The new recruits gather round in their jumpsuits and leis as they join Dharma in the upcoming episode of Lost, "Namaste."

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom