Jack on the Move

Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox) is out to find Kate (Evangeline Lilly) in "The Little Prince." But can he be trusted?

Claire's Mom

Claire's mom is in L.A. - but not for the reason we originally thought - in "The Little Prince," from the fifth season of Lost.

Aaron and Kate

Kate and Aaron in a scene from "The Little Prince" from the fifth season of Lost. Someone is out to get them and Kate doesn't know who.

Young Charles Widmore

Charles Widmore as a young man, back in 1954, as revealed in Season Five of Lost.

Daniel Faraday

Daniel Faraday (Jeremy Davies) is a character on Lost. He's playing a bigger and bigger role in the series these days.


Richard and "Jones" argue on the island, circa 1954.

Sayid and Hurley

Sayid and Hurley are on the run to kick off season five. Until Hurley turns himself in, that is.

Very Sad Jack

Clean yourself up, Jack! You've got five other people to gather up and take a long trip with!

Ben Linus

Is Ben ever up to any good? It's hard to say, as his plotting takes a new turn on the season five premiere of Lost.

Lost Season 5 Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom