Calvin and Nova - Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 13

Calvin and Nova look happy on the season finale of Queen Sugar. "I Am" is the 13th episode of the show's fourth season.

The Bordelons Unite - Queen Sugar

The Bordelon family unites to face an uncertain future on Queen Sugar. "I Am" is the 13th episode of the show's fourth season.

Queen Sugar Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Reporter: You’re saying you’re innocent.
Charley: You’re damn right I’m innocent. To whoever is fueling these attacks on me and my family, to whoever tried and failed to permanently purge our supporters from the voter rolls, it won’t work. When you come for me and the people of St. Jo, you better not miss, and you missed. We’ll see you at the polls.

Micah: I’m sorry for how I told you about Harvard. I shouldn’t have sprung it on you like that.
Charley: I appreciate that and my response, it wasn’t just about Harvard. This election…I just want you to have every chance, every advantage.
Micah: I already have advantages and I’m thankful for them. I want to use my advantages to help others.