Dress Shopping - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 10

Charley helps Darla shop for her wedding dress on Queen Sugar. "Drums at Dusk" is the tenth episode of the show's second season.

Robert and Nova Battle Zika - Queen Sugar

Robert and Nova battle a possible Zika virue outbreak in the 9th ward on Queen Sugar. "Yet Do I Marvel" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Ralph Angel and Darla Are Engaged - Queen Sugar

Ralph Angel and Darla enjoy being engaged and plan to share the news with their family on Queen Sugar. "Yet Do I Marvel" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Charley and Remy On a Date - Queen Sugar

Charley and Remy finally get to go out on a real date after her divorce is finalized on Queen Sugar. "Yet Do I Marvel" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Violet Addresses Her Symptoms - Queen Sugar

Violet finally addresses her recurring symptoms by seeing a doctor on Queen Sugar. "Drums at Dusk" is the tenth episode of the show's second season.

An Unexpected Visit - Queen Sugar

Charley gets an unexpected visit from her mother on Queen Sugar. "Yet Do I Marvel" is the ninth episode of the show's second season.

Violet's Health Crisis - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 8

Violet faces a possible health crisis on Queen Sugar. "Freedom's Plow" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Farmers Have Questions - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 8

The farmers have questions when they read Charley's interview on Queen Sugar. "Freedom's Plow" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Hollywood Is There For Vi - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 8

As usual, Hollywood is there to help Violet in her time of need on Queen Sugar. "Freedom's Plow" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Ralph Angel Makes a Decision - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 8

Ralph Angel makes a decision about his future with Darla on Queen Sugar. "Freedom's Plow" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

The Future of Remy and Charley - Queen Sugar

Remy and Charley discuss their relationship on Queen Sugar. "Freedom's Plow" is the eighth episode of the show's second season.

Nova Questions the Letter - Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 7

Nova questions why Ernest wrote the letter changing his will but didn't bring it to his attorney on Queen Sugar. "I Know My Soul" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.

Queen Sugar Season 2 Quotes

Remy: You two are still together as far as the world knows.
Charley: Not for long. Our lawyers are working on terms right now.
Remy: And once it's safe for you to be seen drinking with another man, then we can toast to that, but from now on...for now, I think it's best for both of us if we just keep things professional.

I guess I should be used to people thinking there's no me without Davis.
