Kirby Drops a Bombshell - Shining Girls

On Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 7, a fresh lead sparks a breakthrough in the story. After Kirby drops a bombshell on Marcus, she goes to help a new friend.

Shining Girls Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Kirby: Your keychain. He took your old one and left it in another woman.
Jinny: What does that mean? Is he gonna kill me?
Kirby: He already has, just not yet.

Kirby: Up until the last week, ah, I didn't really know you. And those photos you showed me, I don't recognize any of them.
Marcus: I don't understand. You, you're having trouble remembering?
Kirby: No. I was never there. Those photos, it wasn't me.
Marcus: Who do you think it was then?
Kirby: It's still me, but it's from a part of my life that I haven't gotten to yet.
Marcus: Really? You think that? How long's it been like this?
Kirby: Since your birthday.
Marcus: Kirby, you can't keep going after this story. You're not going to be OK.
Kirby: I don't know you, but we are together because one day, I will.