Captured - Shooter Season 3 Episode 10

Bob Lee has been captured, and Atlas is playing mind games with him after he and Isaac are lured into a trap.

Russo - Shooter Season 3 Episode 10

The head of Atlas plays mind games with both Bob Lee and Isaac after they infiltrate an Atlas training camp in search of Carlita and the decryption card.

Payne Flashback - Shooter Season 3 Episode 10

Payne appears via flashback as Carlita's recruiter and superior at an Atlas training camp on Shooter Season 3 Episode 10.

Carlita vs. Russo - Shooter Season 3 Episode 10

Carlita has a sit down with Russo after she turns over the decryption key and gets back in good with Atlas.

An Ambush - Shooter

Bob Lee plans to ambush Atlas training facility on Shooter. "Orientation Day" is the tenth episode of the show's third season.

Bama Captures Bob Lee - Shooter Season 3 Episode 9

Red Bama lures Bob Lee into a trap and has a few choice words for him about who really killed Earl.

The Ultimatum - Shooter Season 3 Episode 9

Julie gives Bob Lee an ultimatum after the death of Sam and his relentless pursuit of Bama Jr. Is the Swagger family as we know it in jeopardy of falling apart?

Suffering the Consequences - Shooter

Bob Lee suffers the consequences of his continuing search on Shooter. "Alpha Dog" is the ninth episode of the show's third season.

Carlita's Betrayal - Shooter Season 3 Episode 8

Carlita considers switching over to the other team and rejoining Atlas if they take her off of their kill list.

Bedside Blues - Shooter Season 3 Episode 8

Bob Lee rushes to his family friend and father-figure's bedside after Sam's work put him in the crosshairs of Bama Junior. He vows to make things right.

Sam's Rock - Shooter Season 3 Episode 8

Julie is a pillar of strength for Sam during his hospital stay, and she does everything in her power to keep anyone from coming for him again.

Earl's Evidence - Shooter Season 3 Episode 8

Earl buries a taped confession exposing all of Atlas in some old case files, and it's up to Bob Lee and Sheriff Brown to find it.

Shooter Quotes

Bob Lee: We don't need night vision, we're Marines.
Mary: Semper fi!
Bob Lee: Semper fi.

Hunter: That wolf is ours!
Bob Lee: She might have a different opinion