
Sons of Anarchy is now in its third season. It's intense stuff and one of FX's best offerings.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Sons of Anarchy Logo

Sons of Anarchy is an underrated series on FX. It stars Charlie Hunnam, Ron Perlman, and Katey Sagal.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Stephen King on Sons of Anarchy

Stephen King guest stars on the September 21 episode of Sons of Anarchy. It's the third installment of the third season.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Gemma Teller-Morrow Photo

Gemma Teller-Morrow is played by Katey Sagal. She's pretty much the queen of Charming.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Jax v. Clay

Will Jax go through with the killing? HE holds a knife to Clay's throat on the season 4 finale of Sons of Anarchy.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Tara Knowles Pic

Maggie Siff stars as Tara on Sons of Anarchy. This is a promotional photo of the actress, released by FX.
Rating: 4.9 / 5.0

Jax Teller Picture

Jax Teller makes a decision that does not sit well with Clay during the opening episodes of Sons of Anarchy season two.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Jax in Charge

Take note of where Jax is sitting. You are looking at the new SAMCRO President.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

The Culling Scene

A war is brewing on Sons of Anarchy. Clay and Jax stand strong in this scene from "The Culling."
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Jax Promo Pic

FX has released a few promo pics for Sons of Anarchy. This is a shot of Jax Teller, of course.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Clay Morrow Promo

Club president Clay Morrow is seen here in a promotional shot for Sons of Anarchy. You don't wanna mess with this guy.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Katey Segal and Ron Perlman

Katey Segal and Ron Perlman on Sons of Anarchy. Watching these terrific actors is a treat each week.
Rating: 4.8 / 5.0

Sons of Anarchy Quotes

Jax: Some days you're the Beamer, some days you're the goddamn deer.
Chibs: Some yuppie creamed it out by the streams.
Jax: He run into it or hit a tree while it was giving him head?
Half-Sack: How the hell you want me to get it out of there? (Jax gets a chainsaw) Come on. Jesus, man.
Jax: Just pretend its carve your on steak night at the sizzler.
Half-Sack: I don't eat meat, man.
Jax: Figure it out, grunt.

A true outlaw finds the balance between the passion in his heart and the reason in his mind. The outcome is the balance of might and right.

Jax Teller [voiceover, reading his fathers memoirs]