Murphy Watches - The 100

Murphy watches as he takes part in a situation that he has to deal with under very escalated pressure.

Murphy Has A Choice - The 100

As always, there are choices to be made on The 100 and Murphy now gets to be the one behind one of those.

Murphy Makes a Friend - The 100

Murphy makes an unlikely friend in the most unexpected way, all while Sanctum is still trying to find a new normal.

Emori In A New Situation - The 100

With Sanctum still struggling to come together, a new issue that Emori gets involved in only adds to all of it.

Emori Takes On a New Role - The 100

Emori faces a challenge unlike any other, and with Sanctum still struggling it only escalates the pressure.

Emori and Murphy In An Emergency - The 100

Emori and Murphy are facing a challenge unlike any other, and it really is a race against time to figure it out.

Gabriel On The Hunt - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Gabriel finally gets the chance to escape into the Anomaly so all the work he put into researching it can finally be paid off.

Echo On A Mission - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Echo is on a mission after going through the Anomaly, and she might need to learn about Hope first to get there.

Hope Sees Something - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Hope sees something as she tries to figure out her next steps after leaving Sanctum through the Anomaly.

Hope in a New Place - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Hope is on a mission after leaving Sanctum to find Bellamy and Octavia, with the help of Echo and Gabriel.

Hope On The Run - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Hope is on the run with Gabriel amd Echo right behind her on this mission to find the answers they need.

Hope Cries - The 100 Season 7 Episode 2

Hope cries when she finds something familiar to her in the place she has returned back to with Echo and Gabriel.

The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.