Lowder, Kyle

For most soap opera fans, it doesn't get any better looking than Kyle Lowder. It's easy to see why.

Bold Beemer

Brandon Beemer is one of our favorite soap opera actors. We were happy to see him land at The Bold and the Beautiful.

Jones, Ashley

Ashley Jones is one of the true beauties in the soap opera world. She stars on The Bold and the Beautiful.

Soap Stalwart

Katherine Kelly Lang has been on The Bold and the Beautiful from the beginning. Can you even imagine the show without her?

Beemer. Brandon, Beemer.

Look out, Fixation Magazine readers. Brandon Beemer is on the loose in this pictorial!

Brandon Beemer Pose

Brandon Beemer looks like James Bond in this photo. It was taken for Fixation Magazine.

Ashley Jones Shot

Ashley Jones portrays Bridget on The Bold and the Beautiful. She's quite the beauty herself, isn't she?

Terrific Tom

Heather Tom is certainly beautiful. But she'll be guest starring on Ufly Betty in the fall of 2008.

Eileen Davidson Shot

Eileen Davidson isn't just an actress. She's an aspiring writer, as well, having written a novel about a murdered soap opera scribe.

Ronn Moss and Devin DeVasquez

Ronn Moss and Devin DeVasquez are engaged! The Bold and the Beautiful star made the announcement in August of 2008.

Owen Knight Picture

Owen Knight is played by Brandon Beemer. He works as Donna's personal assistant.

Winsor Harmon Close Up

Here's your basic handsome photo of Winsor Harmon. The Bold and the Beautiful star has earned the affects of many ladies.

The Bold and the Beautiful Quotes

Stephanie: You think this is all my fault? You have brought this on yourself.
Brooke: All I ever did, Stephanie, was to love Ridge.
Stephanie: And his father, and his brother, and your son-in-law. Is it any wonder Bridget is confused? I mean, is it any wonder your daughter would confuse natural feelings of respect and affection for romance? You have blurred the lines of socially-acceptable behaviour. And you stand here and you tell me you're proud. What are you proud of? Having your son-in-law's baby? I know what you're proud of. Chasing after a man whose wife's body is barely cold in the ground.

Brooke Logan Forrester is nobody's fool, nobody's.
