Captain Adam Dalton Played by Mike Vogel - The Brave

Captain Dalton leads his team on dangerous missions around the world. He's cool and composed and makes sure his team gets the job done no matter how difficult it may be. <P><P>Mike Vogel is best known for his starring role on Under the Dome. He was also seen in Bates Motel and Childhood's End.

The Home Team - The Brave

While Captain Dalton leads the team on the ground, they are assisted by D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricia Campbell, and her team. They are based in Washington, D.C. and help guide the ground mission with the world's most advanced surveillance technology.

The Field Team - The Brave

Captain Adam Dalton leads his special ops team on missions throughout the world. Each member has an important role to play in saving innocent lives and preserving freedom.

The Brave Banner

This is the banner for the upcoming series The Brave on NBC

The Brave Quotes

Amir, doesn't it make you angry that you pray in a mosque next to a guy who might blow off your head one day?


I know this isn't where we wanted to be, but we had no choice.
