Be My Partner? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Captain Cold and Heat Wave might be our favorite rogues, but we're big fans of Leonard and Barry, too. There's something about the superhero/crime fighter duo that works for us.

Thief for Hire - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Captain Cold might not be the same version who agreed to team with the Legends. But we know he's always up for the challenge of stealing something no one else can.

It's Savitar-Barry! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

We're still trying to wrap our heads around how and why this version of Barry exists. But now we're wondering what he's up to, and who's going to be hurt in the crossfire.

Team Guidance - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Tracy seems to be fitting in well with Team Flash. She's doing her part to stop Savitar, and she's keeping watch as Cisco studies the monitors.

Plotting - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

We're so happy to see Captain Cold back on our screens. But which version is he? Did Barry run back in time and snatch him? If so, how did he get him to cooperate?

Barry Explains It All - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Which is harder for Joe to believe? The explanation for how Barry changed time or his reasoning for teaming with Captain Cold to fight King Shark?

Be Safe - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

We assume Iris is wishing Barry luck as he prepares to steal an energy source from King Shark. She's probably wondering how her life got so weird.

Getting Closer - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

How adorable is Tracy and H.R.'s awkward romance? Between the near-miss kiss and his constant stumbling over his words, we love their cuteness.

A Quiet Moment - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

It looks like Iris is about to send Barry off on a mission. When this is over, and they're both safe, these two deserve a nice, long vacation.

Planning a Heist - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

It's probably not easy for Detective West to step back and let a known criminal take charge of the situation. But we know he'd do anything to save Iris.

Strategizing - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

H.R. and Cisco have been doing everything they can to help find a solution to the Savitar problem. Maybe having Captain Cold around will be what the team needs.

Really, Barry? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Iris doesn't appear to be thrilled with Barry turning to Captain Cold for help. As much as we love Leonard Snart, we can't blame her for not trusting him.

The Flash Season 3 Quotes

So, what should we call this brave new world you whipped up for us? I was thinking...Flashpoint.

Eobard Thawne

Barry: We actually went to elementary school together. PS 23?
Iris: Oh! That's right. I remember. Gary!