Looking For a Favor - The Flash

Breacher returns looking for a favor from Cisco on The Flash. "Null and Annoyed" is the 17th epiode of the show's fourth season.

The Happy Couple - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Iris will be glad to take on the role of the superhero for a while. How will Barry feel?

The Helmet of Freedom? - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Will the helmet be able to swap the DNA back before it's too late?

Where's My Powers? - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Barry will be without powers thanks to his DNA being swapped out.

A Burning Building - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Iris is stuck inside a burning building, but will she be able to save herself?

Speedy Smile - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

With the best abilities around, Iris has a big smile to go along with it. Who will be first on her list of villains to take down?

Swapping DNA - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Melting Pot has swapped out some DNA and Iris has Barry's abilities. Oh, yes, it's happening.

A Turn of Events - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

It sure looks like something has gone horribly wrong. Why is Barry so upset?

Pausing for Some Loving - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Barry and Iris have had some testing times, but they are stopping to make sure everything is okay.

What Do We Do? - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Killer Frost and The Flash do not look best pleased about the latest big villain to rock Central City.

We Must Win! - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

Barry likes to be the positive one, but with The Thinker still trying to take him down, will he be able to?

Cisco Has a Plan! - The Flash Season 4 Episode 15

As is always the case these days, Cisco has a plan of action that should help save the town.

The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.