Fashion King - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 3

The throne room looks a lot more appealing than the last time we saw it as Eliot greets his friends and fellow royals. Minus poor Penny, who didn't get a crown.

Eliot holds court - The Magicians Season 2 Episode 3

The High King of Fillory's been busy while his friends were at school. Will he share his farming tales with them? Or will the group jump right into planning the Beast's take down?

Return to Fillory - The Magicians

After Dean Fogg helped Quentin, Alice, Margo, and Penny learn battle magic, the group headed back to Fillory. Will they share their demon stories with Eliot?

The Magicians Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Fen: Curses are tricky.
Penny: You don't say.
Fen: They usually end once they've run their course. And not before.
Penny: That doesn't help us. This one seems to want to run its course until they're all dead.

Surely someone has snuck into your office and dramatically stabbed a knife into a map to make a point, no?
