The Messangers Poster

The Messangers is an Apocalyptic drama on The CW. It centers on a group of connected strangers.
Rating: 5.0 / 5.0

Diogo Morgado as The Man

Diogo Morgado stars on The Messengers. This CW drama will debut in early 2015.
Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

A Mysterious Object - The Messengers

A mysterious objects falls to hurt, killing five people who come back to life on the series premiere of The Messengers.
Rating: 3.0 / 5.0

Jane the Virgin Picture

This is a scene from the Jane the Virgin premiere. The title character doesn't understand how she can be pregnant.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

The Genesis Stone - The Messengers

Alan and Vera are search for the secrets of the genesis stone on The Messengers. "Metamorphosis" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

A Cyber Plot - The Messengers

The Messengers uncover a cyber plot on their search for the Horseman. "Deus Ex Machina" is the sixth episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

Splitting Up - The Messengers

The groups decides to split up on The Messengers. "A House Divided" is the seventh episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

The Man - The Messengers

The Man has news that one of the group is in danger on The Messengers. "Death Becomes Her" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

Road Trip - The Messengers

The team take a road trip to Californa to attempt to stop the Horseman of Famine on The Messengers. "Why We Fight" is the ninth episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

Battling the Four Horsemen - The Messengers

A battle ensues when the Four Horsemen try to break the seal on the season finale of The Messengers. "Houston, We Have a Problem" is the tenth episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

The Messengers Unite - The Messengers Season 1 Episode 2

The six strangers have all gathered together and find out what their mission is on The Messengers.
Rating: Unrated

The First Horseman - The Messengers

The gang begin their search for the first horseman on The Messngers. "Path to Paradise" is the third episode of the show's first season.
Rating: Unrated

The Messengers Quotes

Vera: Trinity?
Alan: So we're saying that a meteor just happened to land at the exact spot where the first nuclear bomb was tested?

Alan: Yeah, but doesn't the location of Trinity feel like a little too convenient, no?
Vera: Like what? You think it was aimed like a weapon?
Alan: I mean, it's either another weapon's test or someone is trying to make a point.