Egwene in Fal Dara - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 7

Egwene in Nynaeve's chambers in Fal Dara, waiting for her.

Moiraine and Lan in Fal Dara - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 7

Moiraine and Lan walk through the halls of the palace in Fal Dara

Moiraine, Loial, and Lan Looking at A Map. - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Moiraine, Loial, and Lan Looking at A Map, planning their next move.

Young Siuan - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Siuan Sanche (the Amyrlin Seat) when she was young with her father.

The Gate (The Passage) - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

The Gate/Passage (where everyone meets) to the Eye of the World.

Siuan, the Amyrlin Seat - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Siuan Sanche, current Amyrlin Seat, sitting on the Amyrlin Seat

Moiraine Resting - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Moiraine resting for a short time to drink tea and plan her next move.

Moiraine at The Gate - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Moiraine with her horse at the Gate, waiting for everyone.

Mat with The Knife - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Mat holding the knife that has caused him to feel unwell

Loial - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Loial looking at a map provided by Moiraine and Lan.

Logain's Trial - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Logain on trial, being sentenced by the Amyrlin Seat.

Liandrin Brooding - The Wheel of Time Season 1 Episode 6

Liandrin scheming something in her head, as she watches Moiraine.

The Wheel of Time Season 1 Quotes

Rand: We can't just leave.
Moiraine: They're after you. They will follow you! And if you stay here, this is where they'll come. They will leave nothing and no one standing and I can't do anything to stop them. Our only chance is to reach the White Tower.

The Dragon has been born again, and it's one of you.
