This is Jack - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 15

Jack Pearson was remembered in a touching funeral attended by his closest friends and family.

Jack's Funeral - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 15

Rebecca thinks about the good times she had with Jack on her way to his funeral.

Family Car - This Is Us

The Pearson family history is explored through the family car on This Is Us. "The Car" is the 15th episode of the show's second season.

Rebecca's Breakdown - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Rebecca refuses to believe the doctors when they say Jack has passed but then she sees his lifeless body.

So Much Love - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Jack reassures Rebecca that everything is going to be okay and she believes him.

Jack The Hero - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Jack emerges from the fire, much to the family's delight, with the dog and some important documents.

Jack Battles the Fire - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Jack fought through the flames to rescue Kate and the rest of his family.

Jack in the Hospital - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Jack made it out of the house safely but he wasn't out of the woods. The Pearsons life changed completely that night.

It Still Hurts - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

None of the Pearson children are immune from the hurt and sadness that accompanies the anniversary of Jack's death. So much time has passed, but it still feels so fresh.

Ohmmmmmm - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Meditation is a great way to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. I'd imagine that comes in handy on the anniversary of your father's death. However, it doesn't look like it's doing much for Kevin.

What's on TV? - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Kevin doesn't seem too excited about the Big Game, which is understandable; it's an emotional day for him. But hopefully living with Rebecca and Miguel provides him with some comfort.

I'm Sorry - This Is Us Season 2 Episode 14

Before Jack's death, Kevin said some pretty mean things and never got to say 'I'm sorry.' He's the only child who never really got any closure so I'd imagine every Super Bowl Sunday is tough for him.

This Is Us Season 2 Quotes

I'm a 37-year-old woman. And I shouldn't need to be pushed or coddled. Not by a man, not by my husband, not by my brother, not by anyone!


I said no. But your father was so sure I was tired and I was grieving and he just kept pushing me. He was so determined that you were meant to be. Meant to be ours. Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves. And oftetimes in our marriage, yes, it was your father. Our marriage wasn't perfect, it's true, but none are. And your father wasn't perfect either, but he was pretty damn close. As close as they come. He pushed a stranger on me, and the stranger became my child and that child became my life. He became you."
