
Vincent Irizarry has returned to All My Children. He took over as David in 2009.

V. Irizarry

Vincent Irizarry has starred on All My Children for years. He plays the key role of David.

Photo of Vincent Irizarry

Vincent Irizarry has starred as David Hayward on All My Children for years. He's a fan favorite.

Pic of Vincent Irizarry

Vincent Irizarry stars on All My Children in the role of David Hayward. He's a veteran of daytime television.

Vincent Irizarry Shot

Vincent Irizarry is headed back to All My Children. The actor spent time on The Young and the Restless for many years.

Vincent Irizarry Image

Exciting news! In August of 2008, it was announced that Vincent Irizarry would be returning to All My Children in the role of Dr. David Hayward.

Vincent Irizarry Photograph

Here's one of our favorite pictures of Vincent Irizarry.

Vincent Irizarry Pic

This almost looks like a mug shot of Vincent Irizarry. But it's not. Just a picture of the star from The Young and the Restless.

Vincent Irizarry Photo

Vincent Irizarry is coming back to The Young and the Restless for at least one more year. He recently signed a new deal.

Vincent Irizarry Picture

Here's a photo of Vincent Irizarry. The Young and Restless fans know this actor well.

The Young and the Restless Quotes

She didn't lose the baby. The baby was taken from her. And I'll find the person responsible.

Victor Newman

Amber Moore: Mm, black with sugar, just the way you like it.
Daniel Romalotti: Thanks... What?
Amber Moore: Nothing.
Daniel Romalotti: I mean, why are you looking at me?
Amber Moore: Oh, sorry. I'm just really happy to have you back.