Are you fearful of what Ava will do next or looking forward to her exacting revenge?

Are you fearful of what Ava will do next or looking forward to her exacting revenge?

Once Sami learns that Lucas kidnapped her and held her hostage, will she go back to EJ?

Once Sami learns that Lucas kidnapped her and held her hostage, will she go back to EJ?

Johnny broke up with Chanel at their wedding reception! What's your reaction?

Johnny broke up with Chanel at their wedding reception! React!

Peacock aired two Days of Our lives specials in 2021, Beyond Salem and A Very Salem Christmas. Did you watch either of them?

Peacock aired two Days of Our lives specials in 2021, Beyond Salem and A Very Salem Christmas. Did you watch either of them?

Which couple was your least favorite in Salem 2021?

Which couple was your least favorite in 2021?

Who was the couple you rooted for the most in 2021?

Who was the couple you rooted for the most in 2021?

Marlena is no longer possessed, but the Devil has now taken possession of Johnny. Love it or Hate it?

Marlena is no longer possessed, but the Devil has now taken possession of Johnny. React!

Were you surprised that Chad helped Lucas frame EJ? Does it change your opinion of Chad?

Were you surprised that Chad helped Lucas frame EJ? Does it change your opinion of Chad?

Eric returned to Salem, and he's once again a priest. Do you think this is the end of Ericole?

Eric returned to Salem, and he's once again a priest. Do you think this is the end of Ericole?

Which is worse? Philip pretending to be murdered and setting Brady up to take the fall for the crime or Lucas kidnapping Sami, keeping her locked up for months, and then framing EJ?

Which is worse? Philip pretending to be murdered and setting Brady up to take the fall for the crime or Lucas kidnapping Sami, keeping...

Should Ben and Ciara have a baby?


Are Ben and Ciara a Salem Super Couple?

Are Days of Our Lives Ben and Ciara a Salem Super Couple?