

I'm easy going :) I'd rather have a bunch of friends than a few enemies but if u hate me so cheers to that ♥ go and hate me with all u got ! XD I dont mind what people think of me i only care what i think of me. I'm so not the average girl and I'm ok with that. I love to laugh and make people laugh which happens really often; i just think i will only live once so its better for me to do the best i can for me to live really happy :D! Im the jealous type... with my friends and everything -cant help it-, I get all worked up for little things but it wont last long so dont worry, sometimes i swear i am like a little child ranting for cookies... oh yeah i rant a lot :P! its fun and i dont care! ♥

Things I love:
Chuck Bass/ Ed Westwick :) Gossip Girl. ♥GC♥ Milk & Chocolate-Milk♥ Rainbows ♥ Lollipops/Candy ♥ The Strokes & Julian Casablancas♥ Snicker ♥ Cereal ♥

Things I hate:
Rainy weather! Period! People that put words in my mouth! Im pretty fighsty haha :)

I declare Benji Madden as my role model for life... has always been and I'm not really sure why but I guess I have my reasons. I love his way of life :D and you know "Benji is Life... the rest is just details" xD

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