I sent Cassie back to the day I should have died. The day I lost my Hannah. This will predate our mission together. Everything will be erased.


Cole: For you to create time travel, you had to lose Hannah or at least believe that you did.
Cassie: Jones, we changed the timeline.

Chivalry my ass, Kat. If anything happens to you, we're all screwed.

Dr. Eckland

Cassie: It was The Witness. I'm sure of it.
Jones: How do you know for sure?
Cassie: I could feel it.
Deacon: Hold on. The Witness?
Dr. Eckland: He appeared in the form of Aaron Marker, your ex. Are you sure you didn't just imagine...
Cassie: It wasn't a hallucination. He chose to appear as Aaron. And no, I'm not crazy. It happened.

Cassie: The Witness is here. I thought it was in my head, but...
Cole: What did you see?
Cassie: In the corridor I saw a man in a kind of plague doctor mask. It was him, I know it.

Jones: I don't love you.
Dr. Eckland: You did once and that can't be erased.

If it's the same hallucinogenic Ms. Goines consumes, it is possible. Could be a method of communication. Its properties allow your consciousness to drift outside time. Mental time travel.


This was no accident. The failsafe's were disabled. This was deliberate.


Deacon: Die as a pacifist or live as a man.
Dr. Eckland: Violence doesn't make a man.
Deacon: No, but it's a good way to unmake one.

Cole: I'm talking to The Witness, aren't I? It's nice to finally meet you. So why don't you tell me asshole. Exactly what is it that you've witnessed?
Cassie/The Witness: The end. The beginning.

Cassie: Katerina, what happened to me?
Jones: The tether we detected was not connected to another time traveler physically, but instead to a consciousness. It was a signal from somewhere in time. Your mind was the receiver.

Cole: So I splinter in before he finds Victoria.
Ramse: Follow her to Slade. Wait till the Messengers come. Then we take them out.
Cole: We?
Ramse: You're all leap, no look, little brother. You're gonna get yourself killed.
Cole: My hero.
Ramse: It's either that, or Jonesy sends me back in time to save your ass again.
Cole: You're crazy about me, just admit it.

12 Monkeys Season 2 Quotes

Help me stop those men and I'll go back, get you medicine.


Ramse: You know they're never gonna stop, right? Witness knows the future. They're always gonna be a step ahead. You wanna be running your whole life?
Cole: It's not about running. Cassie's gone. Maybe she made it to the future, maybe not. It's up to me now to stop the virus.