I saw things today that were so clearly miracles, and I saw things that were just heartbreaking beyond comprehension. I don't know whwere he is in all of that, and I don't know where I stand in it.


Judd: You need to tell your boy.
Owen: I'm just waiting for the right time.
Judd: That uh, dad, at the last call. I bet he was waiting for the right time too.

You realize the amount of time it takes you to gel your hair, I was able to shower, shave, and update my fantasy football lineup.


Michelle: Why didn't he say something?
Owen: He wanted to save his kids?
Michelle: If he had spoken up, maybe we could've saved him too.

Grace: Briana?
Briana: Yeah?
Grace: Find yourself a new boyfriend.

Marjan: Allah the most merciful help all of them.
Judd: I mean if he was merciful he wouldn't let it happen in the first place, right?

How spicy are we talking? Because my Scotch-Irish constitution rejects anything cayenne.


Grace: Judd, when you coming back to church?
Judd: Who says I am?

Wayne: We all have our own "why me?" moments.
Owen: Yeah, this isn't mine. Mine was when the towers came down.

My mom, my aunties, my grannies, they taughtme to be proud of who I am no matter what other people say, and I carry that with me every time I wear it.


Michelle: She called me that night more than once, and I didn't pick up. And I have to live with that, and it still kills me.
Dustin: You're not the only one who lost her.
Michelle: I know.

Judd: My last crew died in front of me. Not my crew, they were my brothers. At night when I'm trying to go to sleep, I see them. When I hear a car backfire, I see them. Sometimes I see them for no reason at all. When you and Marjan went under, something happened to me I got, um ...
TK: Triggered.
Judd: I was going to say stirred me up, but same thing. I didn't get after you because I was mad. I was scared. But I didn't want you to know that um, you know ...
TK: Thank you, for calling me out. You were right, man. No one has ever talked to me like that. I appreciate it.
Judd: Hey man, that's what brothers do.

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 1 Quotes

Owen: Well, I'm flattered, but if you're gonna put diversity first, shouldn't you hire somebody who's, you know, diverse?
Radford: We need somebody like you. We need somebody who truly understands how much rebuilding this house is gonna heal the community.

Doctor: You were at Ground Zero when the buildings came down, yes?
Owen: [nods] Yeah.
Doctor: Then I don't have to tell you by the 20th anniversary of 9/11, more survivors who were there that day and during the cleanup will get sick or die than people killed on 9/11 itself.
Owen: This is going to kill me, isn't it?