All my strength came from my big brother and now he's gone. Tell me what to do. I know you hate me, but not more than I hate myself right now.


I was there. I didn't skip the funeral, not exactly.


Mostly I can't talk about Charles without wanting to cry but right now all I feel is anger. Your brother was many things, the one thing that he wasn't, he wasn't a fool, except Julius when it came to you. You made him a fool. You're the only one who could do that.


Owen: As the kids say, today, I'm all Gucci.
Marjan: Are you?

You guys have fun, but not too much fun.


We're looking for a cyclist in a haystack


Carlos: Look, I know confiding in your sponsor isn't cheating, but it feels like he's getting pieces of you that I don't.
TK: You don't want those pieces.
Carlos: I do. I want all of it.
TK: You have all of me, Carlos.
Carlos: Do I?
TK: Yes! What make you feel better the next I felt the need to use, I turned to you?
Carlos: You know you can.
TK: I know, and I might, but it wouldn't be enough.
Carlos: I'm not enough you mean.
TK: No! Because you haven't been there, and thank God you haven't. I need people in my life who have, and if that means sometimes I'm late getting home, just know that it's only so I will get home, Carlos.

Tommy: It's too soon. It's wrong. Charles and I were supposed to be together forever. What the hell am I doing?
Grace: You are living your life, Tommy, and that's what Charles would've wanted. Listen, somebody else in this world wants to sit down and have dinner with you. Somebody that you might like to get to know. It's not betrayal. It's not a commitment. It's just dinner.

I have been living with the buttons all the way up to my chin since Charles died. And tonight, for the first time, I felt alive again.


Sadie stole a year of sobriety from me. All the other times I relapsed it was because of choices I made. This time I didn't even have the option. It was made for me.


Judd: Like my Uncle Cash used to say, some women prefer the company of the day olds.
Owen: Day olds? What's that?
Judd: Some women prefer the company of an older gentleman because they are worldly and they are wise. And maybe, uh, maybe Catherine has a little Daddy thing going on.
Owen: A daddy thing? I feel so dirty!

He's stalking a stalker and he brought a date?


9-1-1: Lone Star Season 3 Quotes

Mateo: Wow, so it's really over then?
Owen: Are you kidding me? This isn't the end. This isn't even the beginning of the end.
Mateo: Is it the middle?
Owen: They knock us down seven times, we get back up eight.
Tommy: That's right.
Owen: One twenty-six is our home. We built it together, we're going to fight for it together, like a family.
Marjan: As a family.
Owen: These people have zero idea who they are up against.
Tommy: No, they really don't.
Owen: So we fight, we're going to keep fighting. And we never give up until hell freezes over.

You're not just closing up a firehouse. You're breaking a family. So I am here to respectfully ask for another chance, for some more time to audit the books, I'm confident that I can find a way to keep the house open.
