Brandy: [after seeing Demon Ash] What the hell!?
Ash: That's what I was trying to tell you. Ruby went to Kandarian Kinko's and this asshole popped out.

Pablo: Is that a chainsaw I hear?
Demon Ash: Why yes it is. Where you come from they're better known as "motosierra."

[before attempting to shoot Pablo] Tell Kelly I said thanks for her flesh and blood.


Ruby: Hundreds of years I spent looking for that book. And two years in this shithole of a school.
Brandy: [to Ash] Oh my God, you were right!

You're almost there. Once that idiot Ash Williams is dead, you and I will go on to immortal glory.


I can't believe this. A week ago I was cramming for midterms and now I'm running from the cops!


[after eating heated Pop-Tart] Oh my God, this is so much better toasted!

Sumeria Woman: Poor Gary, at least he died battling evil.
Ash: Actually he picked a fight with my 75 year old dad.

Do you know what evil is Kelly? It's power without fear ... without guilt ... without pain.


Ash: Holy hacksaw, that's a little me!
Natalie: That is yours?
Ash: Yeah, well it's not like I had sex with Ruby, but look at it. Look at the eyes, and the chin, and that little saw. What is that dastardly Ruby up to now!?

Holy CIA., Ruby's been surveilling my ass for decades! She could have killed me anytime, anywhere.

Brujo: You will accomplish what none have before. You will have span between two realms. One foot in the underworld, the other on the earthly plain. You, Pablo, will become: El Brujo Especial.
Pablo: Wait, isn't that the name of a beer?

Ash vs Evil Dead Season 3 Quotes

Sorry Jailbait, my dance card is a little full. I'll have to squeeze you in.


Ash: Who's the boy toy?
Kelly: This is Dalton, he's with the Knights of Sumaria.
Ash: The who with the huh?