Ed: OK, you're a fiery person which makes your tepidness for me all the more noticeable. I don't mean to punish you...
Madeline: Well, it feels like you are.
Ed: I tell myself all the time, you know, married people, after a while, they reach this sexual plateau. That's the norm. I hear about other couples breaking urethas...
Madeline: It's not like you're some sort of a raging bull, Ed. The only time you touch me is when you're reaching across me to get the visine for your eyes.
Ed: Well that's because you don't want it, Madeline! We don't talk about it because that would make it harder to pretend. Sometimes that's the essence of a happy marriage, isn't it? The ability to pretend.

Principal: I understand Ziggy's father is not involved in Ziggy's upbringing. Is that right?
Jane: The only thing I know about Ziggy's father is that he's keen on erotic asphyxiation and raping women.
Madeline: You did not say that.
Jane [laughs]: No, of course I didn't. But I wanted to.

Doctor: Have you ever sustained bruises from something other than sex?
Celeste: I don't follow.

Doctor: We can do a CAT scan just to make sure.
Madeline: I'm not going to expose myself to unnecessary radiation just to keep your premiums down.

Doctor: Are you physically afraid of him?
Celeste: This feels very wrong, I have to say.. I can't, I mean. Um. You're meant to me our Doctor, you're treating us, and you're demonizing him.
Doctor: Does he know you're here alone?

Joseph: I know you have feelings for me.
Madeline: Well if you know that, then just cling to that.

Perry: Well, you're training 'em to be spoiled brats. I don't want to live in a fuckin' pig stye.
Celeste: Then do it yourself.

It's actually really weird. Ever since I told you about Ziggy's dad, it's like this thing is happening to my body. Like it's waking up again.


Bonnie: Hi.
Ed: Hi. I just love sweat on women. Sorry. That was just a general statement.

Ziggy: The last time we had pizza and we went to the zoo, you told me were moving to Monterey. What now?
Jane: You're going to go see a child psychologist.

Renata: It felt really nice to be desired today. It meant a lot. Thank you.
Gordon: Honey, I always desire you. Usually, it just annoys you.
Renata: No. You want to have sex all the time. Today, you desired ME.

Maddie, I just wanted to say that I know you're her mother, and Abby know it, too, and I will never try to encroach. Never. [hugs Madeline]


Big Little Lies Season 1 Quotes

And bring me something chocolate that won't make my ass look fat.


Come meet my knight in shining armor. She rescued me like a wounded dog in the street. And you know what else? She's funny.
