True answers come from within, Jane.


Reade: Looks like someone found religion.
Jane: Looks like someone found all the religions.

Kevin, everyone that she kills will be on your hands. Can you live with that? It's not too late to do the right thing.


I need to know what is happening under my watch. I need to know now.


How am I supposed to help if they won't share everything with me? What are they hiding?


Boyd: These people are angry. They hate the government.
Weller: That doesn't make them criminals.

There's nothing to deal with. Jones is dead. It's over.


She saw something in you.


Patterson: I don't want to bother you with the intricate details.
Reade: Since when?

Borden: Why are you here, Parker?
Parker: To see this country burn.
Borden: Well, I suppose you won't be disappointed.

Feelings aren't like memories, you can't just pull the out of a file. I think that they have to be earned.


You think we're working with the cops because Roman held your hand?


Blindspot Season 2 Quotes

You've always been good at getting people to do what you want. That's why we sent you to Weller.


Jane is doing the job that we asked her to do.
