Broadway Frank Reagan and his merry band of head knockin', hard drinking, stewardess banging, mad dogs. There'd be no high moral ground left to you. There'd be no coming back.


What I do know is if that book gets published, you're handing your enemies a bat to beat you with, with nails sticking out of the business end.


Linda: Hey, how was your day.
Danny: Same as usual. Ridding the city from the forces of evil.

That flag that you consider a prop and a stunt has draped the coffins of Americans who died to give you the right to ignore that sacrifice. You're spitting on their graves.


Only a fool seeks peace by inciting violence.


Frank: Battle for Peace is an oxymoron.
Garrett: Emphasis on moron.

He assumes I know more scripture than I do so I always have to look stuff up to find out what the advice actually was.


For him moving on is going to be less like letting go and more like letting go of an arm or a leg. If he needs our support he's going to need our support to let go. Support is only worth what it costs you to give it.


He strenuously advises? How exactly does one do that? Is actively working every muscle in his body as he advises?


I seem to recall a guy who looks just like you telling me that a cop should never make a promise that they can't keep.


No, I didn't win. Winning is for losers. I crushed. I obliterated. I annihilated it.


Some of the groups are incredibly tolerant, inclusive of a whole wide range of things's like an approved list and if you're not on it then you've got to watch out.


Blue Bloods Season 6 Quotes

Baez: Why don't people get killed in high end spas or nice handbag stores:
Danny: What fun would that be?

This is the hard part, Sid. The time between doing everything we can think of and finding out if it worked.
