One of them thought you were cute. I guess that's what happens when it's 3am and you're drunk.


You don't regret the great relationships that failed, you regret the ones you never followed through on.


I would like you to put on an NYPD uniform, and 20 lbs. of equipment, and a gun belt, and run up six flights of stairs to save a woman who is being beaten by her boyfriend, and then, I would like you to be raked over the coals for your effort. And then, when you have that frame of reference, maybe we can talk.


Baker: Something occurred to me today. You are the only member of this department to have presided over a line of duty death both as the commissioner and as a fallen officer's father.
Frank: Meaning?
Baker: That maybe you should hold off meeting with the mayor until...
Frank: Until I'm calm. That'll be never.

Listen, anyone, especially a minority being chased by police, would be afraid for their life.

Mayor Dutton

Danny: Amir's friend ID'd the shooter.
Erin: Yeah, but DeSilva was already in the back seat of the squad car when he was identified as the shooter.
Danny: So what?
Erin: So identifying him while he's in the backseat of a police car already handcuffed is suggestive. There's no way I can get a conviction.

Erin: I always wonder why they call it a Gentleman's Club.
Anthony: Looks better on your credit card receipt.

Erin: Do you believe him?
Frank: Yeah, I think I do.
Erin: That “think” kind of waters it down.

Frank: Erin's taking a look.
Lenny: That's good.
Frank: I didn't ask her to over look, just look.

Erin: How well do you still know him?
Frank: What's that suppose to mean?
Erin: It means. people can change. It means. what was hi jinx back in the day can become a hard core lifestyle later on. I mean, I've read his book, he is no altar boy.
Frank: Doesn't make him a felon.
Erin: Shooting up a strip club does.

You get locked up and your ass goes to prison, don't expect a visit from the family.


Jimmy: Last time I saw you, you dropped me off at a mob joint to catch a beat down.
Danny: That's because they were going to kill you for busting a champagne bottle over a made guy's head. I bargained for you life.
Jimmy: And you could get in trouble if I talked.
Danny: What? What you say?
Jimmy: Not that I'd do that Danny. I wouldn't do that.

Blue Bloods Season 8 Quotes

That's all you’ve got? I don't think the mayor likes me? Who the hell do you think you're talking to here?


Erin: Who would want to kill Jack?
Danny: It's Jack, the list of possible suspects is endless. He's been a prosecutor and a defense attorney. He deals with a lot of bad people.