Scarlett: You're outnumbered.
Laurel: I am? By who?
Scarlett: By whom. By the people you're outnumbered by.

Stacy: He broke my heart. It was the worst night of my life. Why are you doing this to me?
Laurel: I just want to know that you remember.
Stacy: Why would I want to do that? Trump could be President.

She kills her dog so she wouldn't miss her trip to Paris. You couldn't write that better!


Laurel: Why are people's heads exploding?
Gustav: Well, not many people know this, but bugs fart.
Laurel: Oh dear god.

Good news! Ella is circling Luke for Whip. God. How the Democrats love a circular firing squad, huh?


Gareth: You wanna dance?
Laurel: No, I wanna drink.

Laurel: You think I'm more partisan than you. Don't I? I mean you. Don't you?
Gareth: I think a lot of Democrats are tolerant of everything except Republicans.
Laurel: That's because a lot of Republicans are just intolerant.
Gareth: I'm intolerant?
Laurel: You're...cynical. Everybody is.

Laurel: Really? Isn't that the right wing group?
Abby: If by right wing you mean we're right, then yesssss!

Laurel: It says here you have Social Security problems, Claire?
Claire: I don't have Social Security problems, YOU have Social Security problems.
Laurel: Well, how can I help you with MY Social Security problems?

It's OK. You're still going to be yourself, a better part of yourself, and we're going to know each other like never before. I love you.


Randall: Did you see what the Republicans said?
Brianna: No.
Randall: They're insane. What is this world coming to? We've got do so something.

So, we're famous. It's like Hollywood, but with uglier people. Get used to it.


BrainDead Season 1 Quotes

Laurel: It says here you have Social Security problems, Claire?
Claire: I don't have Social Security problems, YOU have Social Security problems.
Laurel: Well, how can I help you with MY Social Security problems?

No running in the Capitol, mam. No fast walking, either.
