Peter: Listen, I'm up here with them, okay? I hear which way the wind is blowing, and lately, the board feels that you are not making decisions that are aligned with this hospital's interests.
Sharon: Well, I'm sorry, Peter, but I though this hospital's *foremost* interest was in treatment of patients.

Will: I made a mistake. I'm not perfect. But at least I admit it.
Natalie: I don't think I'm perfect.
Will: Okay, all I can say, Natalie, is that it's very hard for us mere mortals to measure up to you.

Will: You know, it must be nice always being right.
Nat: Sorry?
Will: Since the moment we started the case, everything's been your way. "We can't do this. We have to do that."
Nat: What are you talking about?
Will: I'm talking about everything...always being done your way. How we treat patients, what we can or can't tell them...Whether you or I are together or split up or on a break.

Look, I, and the entire cardiothoracic department truly appreciate your patronage. But you and I are going to keep our relationship on a professional level.

Ava [to Cornelius]

Dr. intelligent [reaches for Ava's hand], attractive, dynamic woman, and if this makes Connor [Ava pulls her hand back] crazy, then, so be it.


Robert: It's ironic. You made me cut Sarah out of my life to get a heart and I end up with neither.
Daniel: Robert, it was never my intention to have you cut Sarah out of your life.
Robert: Semantics.

Daniel: Listen, I know you've had a very complicated relationship, and this is really none of my business, but...I think that if he should die before you have a chance to speak to him, that that could very possibly be something you would come to regret.
Sarah: My father [clears throat] has clearly stated that he doesn't want me to be a part of his life, so, uh, whatever regrets *I* may have...I just don't think any of them will be resolved by me talking to him.

You know, when I asked for a break, it was *never* about wanting somebody else.

Nat [to Will]

Will: It didn't go beyond kissing. Well, not much. And I--I thought of you, I put the brakes on. I actually fell asleep on her couch.
Nat: Were you thinking of me when you went home with her?

Ava: I guess we're both in the dog house now.
Connor: Plenty of room for two. Don't worry, you get used to it. Builds character.

Sarah: When I said I didn't wanna see my dad, truth is, I didn't want to want to see him. Does that make sense?
Noah: Uh...
Sarah: It's okay. Doesn't make sense to me either.

You're going to carry this day with you for the rest of your life. And holding a secret on top of will be too much, baby. It'll break you, Carter. It'll break you.


Chicago Med Season 3 Quotes

Sarah: I want to be there when Dr. Charles testifies.
Noah: Right, right. I get it. Moral support.
Sarah: Yeah. He's the reason I went into psychiatry. Dr. Charles taught me everything I know.
Noah: It's kind of like your dad getting shot.

Stohl: You know, nothing's been done to improve security. We need a police presence here, inside and outside the ED.
Maggie: I'm all for cops, Dr. Stohl, but the people you most need to worry about aren't afraid of guns.