Wrong way mate, frankincense flees the presence of malevolent energy. What we want is behind you.

Constantine: Marcelo was useless the poor bastard; fully catatonic. You know most people who survive a possession they're down right chatty about the ordeal.
Chas: Tough break for him.
Constantine: Not entirely, his parents got what they deserved. But we have to stop this evil entity mate, it's a bloody serial killer through the ages.

Constantine: Smells of burning but there's no sign of fire. Some serious telekinetic energy was spent here last night. What is it you want?
Manny: Battle plans John. Time to draw 'em up.
Constantine: Battle plans eh? You know bugger all about what we're up against.
Manny: I know there's a darkness rising John. It's ancient beyond measure. You're going to stem the tide of its attacks.

Constantine: We tried a spell to put your ghosts down, but unfortunately it didn't work. You see, Midnite didn't raise those spirits; not really. You three did.
Woman: How?
Papa Midnite: All three of ya, you keep the dead alive because you can't forgive yourselves.

Constantine: Papa Midnite! Hell of a party mate. Sorry I came empty handed but it's kind of hard to find a dessert that pairs with pig's blood.
Papa Midnite: Constantine.
Woman: Who are you?
Constantine: I'm the man that's going to keep your husband where he belongs love. You can thank me later.

Constantine: Look mate I am fishing, I admit it. But, what I want to know is why now? You see, Masaki died five years ago; Phillip three. They were resting in peace until...
Jim: Whatever happened to wake 'em.

Jim: You three are some act.
Constantine: Yeah well, it's no act supercop. See the police they're looking for a living killer in that alleyway stabbing and they're not gonna find him.
Jim: Uh huh.
Constantine: Based on what I saw in the alleyway and now here on this road you've got two perps on the loose and they're very possibly dead or undead.
Jim: I can't believe I give you the time of day.

Jim: Very good. I think I got a couple of junior detective badges back at the station. Jim Corrigan; NOLA PD homicide and you are?
Constantine: Here to help you Jimmy boy.
Zed: Jimmy?
Constantine: John Constantine. This is Chas and Zed. We're investigating the occult phenomenon that happened here last night.
Jim: Whoa occult investigators? Con men don't normally introduce themselves as con men, well that's novel.
Zed: Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.
Jim: Where'd you hear that?
Zed: Was that your mother teaching you to shoot?

Constantine: This demon requires a sacrifice. That's what I learned from the shaman. No cage, bottle or vessel can hold it; only a body. A live human body.
Gary: Mine.
Constantine: We could draw straws.
Gary: It was your plan all along wasn't it? That's why it's just you and me here. You sneaky bastard. My chance to finally make my life mean something.

Constantine: So the headline here is I'm going to need one of those fancy blades right?
Shaman: A sacred Kusa. Good luck finding one in this town.
Constantine: Well we wouldn't want to make things easy now would we?

Constantine: Sounds like a hunger demon. Nasty mindless bastards with no thought other than to consume to excess. Sound familiar?
Gary: I'm clean now John. I was going to stay that way I swear.
Constantine: Ah leave it out Gaz, I don't have the time. That thing's going to eat its way through the heart of the city one poor wretch at a time unless I stop it.

As soon as I saw him I knew it. He had these containment markings all over his face. You know the power patterns for binding. Some bastard had trapped a demon in him. I knew what I had to do.


Constantine Season 1 Quotes

Liv: What is happening to me?
Constantine: You're waking up. You're seeing the world for what it really is. Just like your father could.

It's easier to deny danger than to face it, but make no mistake if you don't listen to me you'll be dead by morning.
